I am a Doctor in Computer Engineering from the University of Seville, focused on web information extraction and data science in general. I am currently developing a startup called Stargazr whose aim is to connect the financial world with production in manufacturing companies. Previously, I worked at the Information Sciences Institute of the University of Southern California.

In my free time, I enjoy cycling, photography, 3D design and printing, music, rowing, and designing indie games with Undead Aubergine. You can reach me via email, LinkedIn, Github, Twitter, and Thingiverse. Here's my curriculum vitae (in English).

Picture of me riding a banyan tree trunk in Hawaii

As is customary for anyone with a minimum of web design knowledge, I spend more time redesigning my website over and over again than writing interesting content. You can see the old version of this site, and the very old version.

Some blogs I follow: Microsiervos, Kirai, Fogonazos, DataGenetics, XKCD, SMBC.This is a little experiment: zanáculo zanáculos
