On technical clutter

Developers spend at least one third of their time working on the so-called technical debt [1,2,3]. It would make sense then that non-technical people working with developers had a good understanding of an activity that takes so much of their time. However, this abstract concept remains elusive for many.

I believe this problem has to do with the name "technical debt" itself. Many people are unfamiliar with debt, and thinking of how debt applies to software is not straighforward. But there is a concept that is way more familiar and might be more familiar: clutter. In software, as in any other aspect of life, clutter follows three basic rules:

  1. It increases with normal operation.
  2. Accumulating it leads to inneficiencies.
  3. Managing it in batches is time efficient.

Think of how it applies to house clutter: (1) everyday life tends to get your house messier if nothing is done to prevent it, (2) a messy home makes your day to day slower, and (3) the total time required to clean twenty dishes once is less than cleaning one dish twenty times. I empirically measured myself in this endeavor; it took me 5:10 to clean twenty dishes, versus the 15:31 that I spent cleaning them one by one over the course of multiple days.

My dirty dishes

The things I do for science

Due to the third rule, keeping the clutter at zero is a suboptimal strategy. I guess this is why in any given workplace we find clutter to some extent; think of office desks, factory workshops, computer files, email inboxes… and codebases. Just as it's inefficient to clean a single dish immediately after every use, in software development, addressing every instance of technical debt or "code clutter" as soon as it arises is not always practical or beneficial.

However, due to the second rule, letting the clutter grow indefinitely is also not a good strategy, because the inneficiencies created by the clutter can be bigger than the time required to keep it at bay. One of the hardest tasks in management is striking a good balance between both, because it's all about solving this optimization problem.

To find the optimum amount of clutter, you'd need to know how much does clutter grow depending on which operation you do, and how much easier it is to reduce clutter when you have more of it. But none of those two parameters is easily readable when looking at a project, so the way to steer a project is usually based in prior trial-and-error. Plus, those parameters are not static over time, which just makes it even worse.

I have seen many practices targeted at keeping technical clutter at bay, such as dedicating a day each week or allocating a percentage of the sprint backlog for refactoring. But I haven't found any foolproof data-based method for managing it, maybe because the distiction between adding new functionalities and de-cluttering is not always clear-cut and that makes it hard to report on.

What is clear is that, managing clutter requires a shift in the way we see it: it's not an accidental problem introduced by inneficient development, but rather an unavoidable byproduct of development.

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